4 reasons you have not achieved your goals

Posted on 09/06/2016

Mindset, I often get asked how to develop a mindset that will ensure success. It isn't an easy or straight forward answer. In order to develop a mindset that allows you to be successful in either your career, fitness, family relationships or any other realm, you firstly need to change your mindset. I'm going to share my top 4 tips to help you do it.

Mindset is arguably the number one factor for success.

What you think you become!

  1. Set Goals (and use a vision board) - It's easy to 'set and forget' your goals. Choose your goals and create a vision board to display them. Put your board somewhere you will see it every day. This will be a reminder to yourself of where it is you really want to be!
  2. Create Life Rules! - Your goals won't be achieved overnight, it will takes time, discipline and consistency. You'll want to complete the 1 percenters daily to help move you towards where you want to be. Identify the changes you need to make then implement rules into your life to follow. For example, if weight loss is your goal, set a rule like; to eliminate alcohol. Not only have you now set a rule to assist you in achieving your goal but you have also set a rule which enables you to complete the 1 percenters each and every day. Set as many rules as required to achieve your desired goal.
  3. Believe In Yourself - Self belief is paramount. To achieve any goal in life you have to believe in yourself and be patient in achieving what you set out to achieve. There will be barriers (family breakdown, unsuccessful job application, an injury) and you'll need to believe you can overcome all these obstacles to achieve your goals. If your goal is important enough to you (and it should be) no obstacle is too big.
  4. Positive mindset - Choosing to be positive and having a good attitude will determine a lot about your life. Choose to be positive instead of passive and negative. Give yourself the reasons why you can and should and not reasons why you can't or shouldn't. Happiness and success is a choice, it comes from within and not from circumstances.

Try and implement these 4 mindset tips into your life to live happier and healthier!

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